Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Longer Integers

Heads up - Integers Test is THIS Thursday. Although, considering things, I might bump it back to Friday. I want to wait and see how the kids are doing tomorrow.

I'm also going to downgrade it from a "TEST" to a quiz. It's a quick check-in. I want to know if they know, simply, how to add/subtract/multiply/divide integers. That's all.

We talked about longer integer expressions today. So, it's no longer just -4 + 10. It's now -4 + 10 - 5 + -11. We also did the same with multiplying.

They left with five problems for homework. (See the picture below.) AND, if they are itching to check their answers, check out the Pre-Algebra blog... their warm up was Math 6's homework! (See http://preal2nd.blogspot.com)